February 1, 2013


We are clearly on a winter habitat kick here at Bespoke. Today's shelter...igloos! Have you heard of Airbnb? If not, you've got to check it out. We love inns and hotels, but do appreciate a good idea, and Airbnb is certainly that. It's an online homeshare program on steroids. You can list your home or apartment for rent for a day, weekend, or year! But we digress. The coolest listing we've seen by far are these igloos. Starting at $89 per night, you can realize this childhood dream. We are picturing a proposal involving lots of hot toddies, staying warm by cuddling together, and even some eskimo kisses if you're lucky.

Or, build one in your backyard and save the airfare. Either way, this is the kind of creativity that knocks a proposal out of the park.

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