March 15, 2013

At the very least....

Let's get the spelling right people....

Courtesy of
"Sent in by a reader under the subject heading, "My Cousin's Marriage Proposal," this made us laugh and cry at the same time. We laughed imagining the recipient of this proposal staring at those beautifully arranged petals, internally wrestling with the duelling emotions of overwhelming love for her man and crushing embarrassment for his reading level. We cried knowing that she didn't even get to say yes before being hit with the reality that she's going to spend the rest of her life with a moron, when most wives don't come to that realization until at least a couple months after the honeymoon. We were hoping the submitter would let us know how his cousin's proposal went over, but the only elaboration he provided was as follows: "What an idiot." (Thanks Duncan F.!)" 

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