March 7, 2013

Kneeling and rings... How did we get here?

I read under a Snapple cap yesterday that in Ancient Greece, if a man threw an apple at a woman it was considered a marriage proposal. I’m unsure exactly how true this is, but it got me thinking – how did we get to where we are with proposals and engagements? It is a ritual that has existed as long as man, but has evolved quite drastically since the caveman days.In Western cultures, it is traditional for men to propose to women. He is usually on one knee, and usually has a token like a ring there with him to seal the deal. Why one knee and why the ring?

Let’s start with the kneeling. The act of genuflecting has been a sign of respect for a superior since at least 300 BC. Alexander the Great introduced the etiquette to his Persian court in 328 BC, and in the Byzantine Empire everyone was required to genuflect to the emperor or fear their head would be cut off. It is a tradition continued in churches and in royal circles throughout the world today. So guys, know when you do it, you’re continuing an act of respect that has lived for over 2,300 years!

Now, onto the ring. First of all, it is an infinite shape, signifying unending love. It is placed on the second finger of the left hand because the vena amoris vein (“vein of love”) goes from there directly to the heart. Most men probably agree that a proposal would be a whole lot easier if they didn't have to come with a ring. But, surveys show that almost every woman out there would be disappointed in a ring-less proposal. So, how did we get here? Almost every agreement throughout history has required some sort of symbol of confirmation. This could be a signature on a contract, a monetary deposit made, or in this case, a ring. The first known case of a ring given as a promise to marry was in 1215, when Pope Innocent III wrote a decree requiring couples to undergo a waiting period between the promise of marriage and the actual marriage ceremony.  The ring was a promise from the man that he would wait, and also let society know that the woman was spoken for. 

Whether you're marking your territory or just trying to make it the proposal she has always dreamed of, give some thought to the ring. Believe me, she will thank you for it! 

Next week we are featuring an article by Hattie Gruber from Kiss the Ring New York. Check back then for some tips on choosing and buying that diamond. 


  1. Buy rings online for men comes in varieties, different shapes and different colors. Modern culture often associates diamonds with romance and love. Diamond is the most fascinating and romantic gems ever , they eliminate disturbances in the aura.

  2. These rings are looking so beautiful and diamond in these rings adding more value.
